National Parking Day
Come join us and our partners as we celebrate National PARK(ing) Day. We'll be highlighting urban agriculture with produce and flowers from Amaranth Urban Farm, special themed sandwich from Scratch Deli, hay bale seating, chickens onsite, games, sidewalk chalk art, and hot apple cider all in the parking spots just in front of our offices. You are also invited in for a tour of our office and the fun projects we are currently working on
For more highlights from our 2011 parking day, check out our 2011 PARK(ing) Day Wrap-up.
Looking forward to seeing you!
National Park(ing) Day 9:42 am
Schedule of EVENTS! Schemata Workshop Open House and National PARK(ing) Day
You're invited to join us next Friday between 12:00-5:00!
12:00 - 1:00 | Neighbors are invited to join us for a brown bag lunch in our Park(ing) Spot - this is BYOBB style (bring your own brown bag) |
1:00 - 3:00 | Our neighbors at Lucky Devil Tattoo will be over with chalk to help decorate our Park(ing) Spot. Have a hidden artistic side? Join us! |
Sling Ball Tournament. Don't know what Sling Ball is this is a great chance to find out from with our resident expert Katherine Willis. | |
4:00 - 5:00 | Bagels Happy Hour! Our neighbors at Eltana have graciously offered to supply their delicious Wood Fired Bagels for your afternoon carb-pick-me-up! |
Special Thanks to:
Regan and Associates for providing us landscaping trees that will make our Park(ing) Spot an inviting place.
Eltana Wood Fired Bagels for providing the Happy Hour Bagels!
Schemata Workshop Open House and National PARK(ing) Day
In celebration of National Park(ing) Day, Schemata Workshop is reclaiming two parking spots in front of our office on Friday September 16 to host a series of events, including an Open House 11:00am-5:00pm. (stay tuned to our blog for Schedule of Events). We invite our friends, neighbors and collaborators to join us as we make our temporary street side PARK a lively and fun place:: we’ll have places to sit, games to play, and friends to hang with. Stop by just to say hi, come by to eat a delicious bagel generously sponsored by our friends at Eltana Wood-Fired Bagel Café, or come by to challenge one of us to a game of sling-ball!
For our younger friends, ages 7 and under, come by and pick your very own limited edition Schemata Workshop coloring book.
What is National Park(ing) Day?
PARK(ing) Day is an annual, worldwide event that invites citizens everywhere to transform metered parking spots into temporary parks for the public good. It is a call to action for the necessity of high quality urban open space, generating critical debate around how public space is created and allocated pursuant towards increasing the quality of urban human habitats.
For those looking for more information about National Park(ing) Day here are some great links:
National Park(ing) Day’s website: find out more about this nationwide event, how you can get involved, and what it means to the folks who participate.
Feet First: This is the local group helping getting Seattle organized for National Park(ing) Day. Feet First is doing a great job making it easy for people and organization to get involved. They are helping process and submit the proper paperwork to get city permits as well as providing city required barricades. Check out how to get involved with them!
Photos: Check out the creative ways people reclaimed public land from years past