WBE Featured Member - Grace Kim
Almost 2 years ago, I attended a networking breakfast. I didn't think it would be for me, but to humor a professional contact I'd made at a party, I went. And I was blown away by the speaker. And I've been back ever since. Past speakers have been Jensine Larsen of World Pulse, Jennifer Jefferies - author of 7 Steps to Sanity, Jan Levy of Leadership Tomorrow, and Sally Jewell - CEO of REI.
Women's Business Exchange is a great organization that supports women in business. True to their website:
"Life is not just about work, or running a business. You also have to find a way to balance spending time with your family and making time for yourself.
That’s why WBE is much more than just a business networking organization—though plenty of that goes on here too. It’s about making connections, creating a sense of community, supporting each other, and learning to be the best you can be."
I am proud to be their featured Member of the Month. Check it out! http://wbex.org/www.wbex.org/wbex/featured . And if you want to come to a breakfast (1st Thursday of each month), I'll see you there!